I entered an essay and was the second place winner. I haven't got my prize yet but am anticipating my second place winnings and imagining all sorts of booty .... new rotary cutter? super funky fabric? new sewing machine?? All expense paid trip to the Sewing Summit??? If you are interested in my take on what modern quilting means here is my second place essay.
So what is it then that makes a modern quilter? One common trait I’ve noticed is unabashed creativity. Originality and untamed lines are applauded over perfection. There is NO FEAR in the modern quilter. No fear of shame for not having perfect points, no fear of seam allowances being measured, no fear of angles or colors. When the fear of breaking rules is gone the creative juices flow with much more force.
But what if you want to make traditional blocks with perfect points? That’s OK too! Another attribute is the acceptance and embracement of all styles and methods of quilting. Sometimes making a classic block is a rewarding challenge. Hand quilting? Machine quilting? Both are cool. The modern quilter moniker is more about attitude and less about construction.
So my interpretation in a nutshell: No fear. Acceptance. Social Networking. Degrees of these three elements combined in one quilter = one modern quilter. What do you think?
Well ...what DO you think? And if you'd like to check out the other essays go here. They make some interesting food for thought.
Since I hate to have a post with no pictures (how sad), I leave you with a glimpse of my almost completed, hand quilted kaleidoscope quilt.