Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm Honored to Accept This Award!!

You like me!  You really like meee!!  Oh sorry .... I've been waiting for years to win an award so I could do my Sally Field impression.
I'm so excited that I have been nominated for the Beautiful Blogger award by Greta!!  We're quilting buddies over at the Old Red Barn Site.  I'm very new to blogging and I'm just starting to figure out the formatting and how to move pictures, etc. so I'm so thrilled to have an peer-nominated award under my belt. 

There some rules to accepting this award and here they are:
1.  Thank the person who gave you the award.  Thanks Greta!  You made my day.
2.  Paste the award on your blog.  No problem!!
3.  Link to the person who nominated you.
4.  Tell seven interesting things about yourself (see below).
5.  Nominate seven or eight blogs.
6.  Post links to those blogs. 

Seven things about me  .. whew!  This is a LOT easier than when Facebook wanted us to try and list fifty things about ourselves.  I just can't come up with fifty semi-interesting things about me and even seven is going to be a stretch.   

1.  I'm a shorty ...  barely 5' 1"
2.  I love to eat mustard on my french fries
3.  I used to pretend I was Laura Ingalls Wilder and my mom made me costumes and even some fake braids to wear under my bonnets.  I have a pretty cool Mom . . . .
4.  Both my parents are pilots.
5.  The first garment I ever sewed was a pair of bib overalls when I was about 12 and I wore them to school. Years later I found them and they were the just c.r.a.z.y looking, but I must have been proud of them at the time.   I wonder if my teacher was laughing to herself all day.

The Bailey Girls
My Mom sewed all those dresses! 
6.  I'm the youngest of five girls.  My four older sisters are close in age and amazingly beautiful and were known collectively as "the Bailey girls."  I came along a little later (and missed out on the amazingly beautiful part) but I always got a charge out of someone finding out who I was and saying (with a look of surprise),"Oh you're one of the Bailey Girls!"
7.  I started quilting last June with the first Old Red Barn quilt and it came along at the perfect time for me.  I was kind of having a hard time with my youngest son going off to college and suddenly moving into the next stage of my life where I wasn't the busy Mom of a school kid.  Things turned out OK though and we're all good now ... just a little "shockeroo" to the old system! 

This next part is a toughie!  How can I pick only seven!  I follow so many blogs and I love them all so I will just pick some randomly down my blog reader.  All of the blogs that I read are special  and I am amazed by the generous group of people that are there to help you and encourage you and keep you going when you just want to throw your sewing machine out the window! 

1.  Lynda
2.  Victoria
3.  Nichol
4.  Heidi
5.  Dena
6.  Amy
7.  Silversmith

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Molly that's awesome! Congrats! I'm loving your blog!


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